Thursday, August 11, 2016

Back to School Safety

Where did the summer go? It is that time of year again, back to school. Typically, schools are a congested place to navigate through in your vehicle. Spieler Inc. wants to help ensure you and your family have a safe experience as you start your daily journey to and from school. The best car dealer in Mid-MO is here to help remind you of some safety tips to keep in mind as you start your commute back to school this year.

Bus Stops

As you drive to and from school, there will likely be busses traveling along your same route. Keep in mind that a bus cannot come to a stop as quickly as you may be able to; allow adequate stopping distance when flowing a bus. Be prepared to stop frequently when driving behind a bus, they will stop to drop off students often. Remember, all lanes of traffic must stop when students are entering or exiting a bus on the roadway. A 10 foot radius around the bus is the most dangerous place for a child. Be sure to allow enough space for children to exit the bus safely. Keep in mind that children are unpredictable, and often unaware of dangerous situations that a road can present. Being aware of busses and children this back to school season will help promote a safe commute for everyone involved.


Roads surrounding schools are filled with crosswalks. Many children heading to and from school will use these spaces to cross the road. Do not block a crosswalk when stopped at a light or stop sign, forcing the students to walk around your vehicle and out of the cross walk. It is a good rule of thumb to stop and let a child cross the road if they are waiting. Sometimes kids forget to stop and wait, and may dart out into the road without being aware of oncoming traffic. Keep an eye out for children walking along or crossing the road when heading back to school this year.

Loading Zone

Schools typically have specific pick-up and drop-off safety suggestions for parents. When taking your kids to school, or picking them up, make sure you know the procedure. Do not double parking in a school loading zone; this can prevent a child from seeing other vehicles. Try to avoid picking up or dropping off your children across the street from the school. This may make your commute quicker, but can also create a dangerous situation for kids when they have to cross a road or parking lot at a busy time.

Back to school is an exciting time of year for children and parents alike. The kids are eager to get back into the groove of learning and spending time with their friends. Helping to create safer roadways when commuting to and from school can help make for a successful school year. Your trusted car dealer in California, MO wishes everyone a good first day back to school, and a great year!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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