Wednesday, December 21, 2016

5 Holiday Travel Tips to Know

With a major holiday weekend approaching, a number of people will be traveling to and from holiday parties. Whether you are making the short trip across town or to another state, some of these travel tips may come in handy! Your trusted car dealership near Jefferson City, Missouri wants to help you make your time on the roadway safe this holiday season. If you will be traveling this weekend for family or friend holiday gatherings, check out these travel tips provided below by Spieler’s Incorporated!

1. Use Caution

With the frequent weather changes, pay extra attention to the forecast and avoid traveling during bad weather this holiday season. This time of year, there are usually more people on the roadways than normal, use caution when traveling to and from your holiday gatherings.

2. Strategically Pack

Even weight distribution is important for your vehicle to travel at its best. When packing the car, try to place weight evenly. Also keep the comfort of your passengers in mind when putting bags and presents into your vehicle. Give the others in the car enough room to be comfortable when traveling.

3. Bring Snacks & Blankets

When traveling this holiday weekend, remember to be prepared for the unknown. If your vehicle becomes stranded due to bad weather or a break down, ensure you are prepared. Have extra snacks and water on hand if this event should occur. Also keep extra blankets in the vehicle to keep you and your family warm, if something does happen while traveling on the roadway.

4. Keep the Family Entertained

For an enjoyable road trip with the family, try to keep the kids entertained as you travel. From a dvd player to road trip games, there are a number of ways to keep your family busy this holiday season.

5. Inspect Vehicle

Before you head out on a road trip for the holidays, ensure all the parts of your vehicle are in proper working order. Check the battery to ensure it is charging adequately. Look over your tires before you hit the road. New tires grip the road better, especially during winter weather. Ensure your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure level, before your hit the road. Take a few moments to look your vehicle over, from front to back, to make sure it is ready for your holiday excursion. If you do discover a necessary repair, contact the maintenance department at Spieler's Inc. by calling 573-796-3129.

The holiday season means road trips and a lot of time on the highway, for a number of mid-Missourians. As you make your way to and from your holiday gatherings keep some of these travel tips in mind. From cautionary driving to extra food in the vehicle, there are a number of ways to prepare for your next road trip. The best car dealer in California, MO wants to help ensure you and your family have a successful time on the roadways this holiday season. A Merry Christmas goes out to you and yours, from the entire staff at Spieler’s Inc.!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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