Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Factors that May Impact Your Auto Insurance Rates

As a state law it is required for all automobiles on the roadway to be insured. You may have noticed a change in your insurance rates throughout the years and wonder why this may be. Here at Spieler's Incorporated, we know how important it is to stay informed about the various conditions that may have an impact on your auto insurance. To learn more about what factors may be impacting your vehicle insurance rate, take a look below.


It is commonly known that the age, gender, and location of each driver can help determine the cost of insurance. Many times, a younger driver will have higher insurance costs due to inexperience and a higher risk of being involved in an accident. If you live in a rural area, you are more likely to have a lower rate than someone living in a highly populated region. As a driver gets older, the rate for insurance typically goes down as they are seen as less of a liability due to maturity.

Annual Mileage

The number of miles driven each year is a number that your insurance company may take into account. If you put a lot of miles on your vehicle, you are more likely to be involved in an incident or have a claim. The lesser number of miles, the less likely you are for getting into an accident.

Driving Record

A major factor in insurance rates is your driving record. This can help an insurance company determine how likely you are to make a claim depending on your claim history and driving record. A lower rate will be offered to someone who has never been involved in an accident than someone who has had a number of claims on their record.

Vehicle Use

The rate may vary for difference vehicle uses. Commercial use, personal use, and collector use are all coverage options you may purchase, depending on how you plan to use the vehicle. A collector vehicle may not see the road very often, therefore it is likely eligible for lower insurance rates.

Vehicle Type

The type of vehicle you drive has an impact on your auto insurance rate. Safety ratings, theft ratings, and purchase price are all factors that are taken into account when calculating your rate. It's a good idea to inquire about the new ride you plan to purchase that way you know the insurance cost upfront.

While many of these factors can have an impact on your insurance rates, it's important to calculate the cost of insurance as you are shopping for a new ride. If you plan to buy a car for sale in mid-MO, be sure to stop by our California, MO car dealership. Our professional sales staff can help you narrow down your search and find the perfect car for you and your families' needs. We look forward to serving you and helping you through the car shopping process!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Monday, December 18, 2017

Don’t Let Winter Weather Keep You off the Roadway

Winter is upon us and with the change of season comes the chance of encountering winter weather on the roadways. No need to worry, the best car dealership near Jefferson City, Missouri has you covered! Here at Spieler’s Inc., we want to make sure everyone stays safe this winter. We have put together a list of tips and helpful hints to help get you through the horrible winter weather conditions on the roadway.

Winter Safety Tips: 

- Never warm up your vehicle in an enclosed area such as a garage

- Clear snow and ice and defrost your vehicle
Helpful hint: don’t forget to clear the snow from the hood of your car. This will help keep the snow from flying up onto your windshield when you are driving. Snow also adds extra weight to a car which throws off performance.

- Make sure you keep your gas tank at least half full during the winter time – this will help to avoid a gas line freeze-up.

- Make sure your exhaust pipe is not clogged with mud or snow

- It may not always be possible, but try to avoid using your parking break in cold, rainy and snowy weather

- Double check that your tires are at the right PSI
Helpful hint: The change in temperature negatively effects your tire pressure. The tire pressure recommendations are usually listed somewhere on your vehicle or in the owner’s manual. Most cars are different, so double check the correct levels for your car

- Never use cruise control while driving on any slippery surface – especially rain or ice

- Always wear your seatbelt

- Only drive well rested – you need to be extremely aware while driving in hazardous weather conditions

- Know the current conditions of the road you will be driving on

Tips for Driving in the Snow:

- Accelerate and decelerate slowly

- Allow extra space between you and the car in front of you – it takes longer to slow down or stop on roads that are covered with snow or ice.
Helpful hint: while the recommended following distance between cars is 3 to 4 seconds, during winter weather following distances should be increased to 8 to 10 seconds.

- Don’t try to speed up hills – if you apply too much force going up a hill, your wheels might start spinning.
Helpful hint: try to get your speed before you reach the hill and then let that speed help carry you up the hill so you don’t have to accelerate too much.

- Never stop while going up a hill if you don’t have to. Trying to restart once you have stopped on an icy hill is extremely difficult and dangerous.

- Stay calm if you start to skid – overcorrecting can cause more problems
Helpful hint: if the backend of your car starts to slide during a turn, slowly let off the accelerator and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide. This will help straighten out your car.

While driving during the winter months may be unavoidable, knowing how to stay safe on the road is a must. Your family-owned and operated car dealership near Jefferson City, Missouri is here to help. By following the tips we have provided you with and maintaining a safety-first mindset, you can help reduce the risks that are associated with driving in the upcoming winter months.

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Monday, December 11, 2017

Items to Keep in your Vehicle's Emergency Kit

You should always be prepared for a breakdown, it can happen when you least expect it. Your vehicle’s emergency kit should include the necessities to change a flat tire, as well as some essentials to keep you safe.

Spieler's Inc. has been a family-owned Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep dealership in Mid-Missouri since 1968. Our dedicated sales staff and licensed technicians are here to make your dealership experience hassle free! Let our auto repair & car service near Jefferson City handle all of your automotive needs.
Here are some ideas of what you should put in your emergency kit to keep you safe in the event of a break down.

Emergency Tool Kit:

Include several tools that might come in handy, such as a pocket knife, tire jack, tire iron, duct tape, rope, jumper cables, and a flare stick. An ice scraper always comes in handy during freezing temperatures. It is also smart to keep a small fire extinguisher that is easily accessible in your vehicle in case of a fire.

First Aid Kit:

A first aid kit should have gauze, band-aids, pain medication, and antibiotic ointment in case of an emergency. Add several water bottles and non-perishable food items, flashlights with extra batteries, a portable charger, and some hand sanitizer to your kit as well. Having these items in your vehicle’s emergency kit may save your life.

If the weather in your area is unpredictable, keep a spare poncho, wool blankets, and winter coats as well as extra socks, gloves, and hats in storage in the back of your vehicle. Extra layers will keep you and your family warm and protected from the elements if your vehicle breaks down or if you are in an accident.

For fun:

Keep a deck of cards or a book on hand while waiting for help to arrive. If you have a furry friend that frequently cruises the road with you, be sure to pack leashes, bowls, extra water and animal food, and a blanket for them. Make sure that you have a full tank when you hit the road, just in case you break down.

If you have limited space in your vehicle, include only the basics for your kit. The best place to keep your emergency kits are in the trunk of your vehicle in a storage container. Make sure that the kits are securely tied down.

Regular maintenance on your vehicle will keep it running smoothly for as long as possible. Spieler's Inc. provides quick, convenient, and quality service for your vehicle to ensure your vehicle is safe to travel in. Let our Dodge, Ram, Chrysler and Jeep auto repair center check the oil, battery, and brakes thoroughly to make sure your vehicle is ready to take you on your next adventure.

Your trusted service center and car dealer in California, Missouri can prepare your vehicle to go the distance on your next road trip. To schedule an appointment with our service department, call 573-796-3129. Spieler's Inc. wants to ensure you and your family are safe while travelling in your vehicle.

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Advantages of Winter Tires

Tires may seem all the same to some, but the tires you use in summer are not always the best tires to use in the winter. Along with the temperature change, roadways can become covered in snow or ice, leaving you traveling in dangerous conditions! Studies have shown that people radically underestimate grip on dry roads and radically overestimate it in the snow. At Mid Missouri's most trusted car dealership, we want to make sure you're as safe as possible when traveling this winter. Let's look at the key reasons you need winter tires on your vehicle.

What is a winter tire?

Winter tires are tires designed to be utilized in colder weather. They typically come in two varieties, studded or studless, and generally have deeper treads, and are made using a softer rubber. This allows the tire to conform to the road and grip the surface much more effectively than a normal tire would in icy, cold or snowy conditions.

If winter tires are effective in the winter, can I use them year round?

Winter tires are designed to grip the road through poor conditions. If these tires are used year round, you'll experience a decrease in the performance of your vehicle and significantly reduce the life of your tires.

Why not use all-season tires?

All season tires are the tires of choice in areas where the weather typically stays 45°F and above, and colder weather is sporadic. Below that, all-season and summer tires can harden due to cold roadways, leaving your vehicle prone to hydroplaning, sliding and decreasing your grip on the road.

Spieler's Inc. wants you as safe as possible on the road!

Having a nice set of winter tires can help reduce the chance of being snowed in, and they can keep you safe should you chance the roadways after an ice storm. It's better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to vehicles. Stop by Spieler's Inc. and see what the most trusted dealership in Missouri can do for you!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018

(888) 455-2107

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Perks of Shopping Our Used Car Selection

When it comes time to purchase a new vehicle in Missouri, you have a lot of options. While we would love to get you into a brand new car, our used cars also offer a lot of great options! Keep reading to learn about some of the perks of shopping our used car selection.

1. A Lower Price Tag.
The main perk of purchasing a used car is that the price tag is significantly lower. Not only are you able to save money on the purchase, but you could also get a much nicer model for the price that you would have paid for a new, lower-end model. If you’re looking to save some money on your next car purchase, our selection of used cars is a great place for you to go!

2. Savings on Insurance.
Not only will the price of a used car be less than that of a new one, but the cost of your insurance will likely also be less. Insurance rates are affected by several things, including the age of the car. The premiums on used vehicles tend to be less expensive. Also, if you paid cash for your used vehicle instead of financing it, you won’t have to purchase full coverage, which can also save you money.

3. Predicted Reliability Info Available.
With used cars, there’s a wealth of information out there on which ones run the best, have the least issues and are going to be a good used purchase for you. The new car market is constantly dealing with recalls trying to get everything right, while the used car market has already found and remedied these issues. There are forums all over the internet where you can find the answers to pretty much any question you might have about your used car.

4. Avoid Fast Depreciation.
While cars lose their value with each passing mile and minute, the steepest depreciation on vehicles happens in its first year. Some vehicles can lose as much as 20% of their value after you drive them off the lot. When you buy used, there’s no immediate depreciation; the previous owner already took that loss for you. Your used car will still depreciate in value, but you’ll lose less money less quickly than you would buying brand new.

Spieler’s Inc is your resource for quality pre-owned vehicles in Missouri. We are proud to offer great customer service, whether you’re looking to buy new or used. The vehicles on our lot have the best prices and quality in the area, so come by and see us at our California, MO car dealership today!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

9 Travel Tips for your Holiday Getaway

Holiday travel, especially on the roadways, can be especially nerve wracking for some. It seems like all of the major holidays pack the interstates with travelers. With all of those drivers on the road, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared for your holiday travel. Here at Spieler’s Inc., the best car dealership near Jefferson City, MO, we wanted to provide you with some tips to stay safe while traveling during the holiday season.

1. Make sure your vehicle is in good operating condition – make sure there are no service lights on your dashboard, your tires have enough air and tread on them, your battery is in good condition, your levels of brake fluid, antifreeze, and oil are all accurate.

2. Get a good night’s sleep the night before your big travel day – being well rested will help make your trip more enjoyable and safer for everyone. Make sure you are taking enough breaks during longer road trips.

3. Plan your route ahead of time – have the directions already mapped out, check traffic and weather conditions before leaving. Map out stops for longer trips. Knowing where you are going to stop can save you from a lot of stress once you are on the road.

4. Follow all posted signs – yes that includes the speed limit sign. There will be many people traveling during the holidays, this means that there will probably be traffic. You may even have to drive under the speed limit. Don’t drive aggressively and don’t drive defensively. If someone around you is showing signs of aggression, let them pass. Road rage will cause unnecessary stress to you and any passengers.

5. Be prepared – emergencies can happen and it’s best to be prepared for them. Have an emergency kit in your car. Keep blankets, food and water, and a flashlight in your trunk. If driving in areas that get winter weather, kitty litter or sand can be used to improve traction on icy roadways.

6. Eliminate all distractions – Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Don’t worry about texting, talking on the phone, changing the music, or eating.

7. Seatbelts – make sure everyone is wearing their seatbelt. This could make all the difference in the event of an accident.

8. Pay attention to the gap – always use the 3-second rule to establish a safe distance from the car traveling in front of you. This will make sure you have plenty of time to react in case of an emergency.

9. Make sure you relax – the holiday season is already stressful enough. Frustration and anger can lead to bad decisions and road rage. Keep a positive attitude while traveling and focus on getting to your destination safely.

Hopefully you are more prepared for your winter travel after reading these 9 tips. Whether you’re in need of vehicle maintenance or you are looking to purchase a new vehicle, our experienced staff at Spieler’s Inc. can help you. We want to provide you with the best service here at our family owned and operated car dealership in Central Missouri.

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Monday, November 13, 2017

What to Bring With You When Car Shopping

Whether your current vehicle is wearing out or it’s just not fitting your needs anymore, it might be time to start looking for a new car. Before heading out to the best car dealership in Mid-Missouri, you’ll want to make some preparations. Below are some items you’ll want to bring with you when you go car shopping.

What to Bring With You to the Dealership

When you arrive at the dealership, make sure you have your driver’s license and proof of auto insurance with you. While you should always have these documents on you while you’re driving, make sure you have them readily available. Unless you are paying cash, another thing you may want to consider is getting a pre-approval for an auto loan. Talk to your bank or credit union to figure out how much you will qualify for and at what interest rate. This can help you stay within your budget while you’re car shopping. Even if you are planning to finance your vehicle, it’s a good idea to bring your checkbook. You may want to put a down payment on the vehicle or run into something you hadn’t thought of that you’ll need to pay for.

What to Bring for a Trade-In

If you plan to trade-in your current vehicle, there are some additional documents and things you will want to bring. You will need your car’s certificate of title, the car’s current registration, all  your car keys and the owner’s manual. If you’re still paying off an auto loan on the vehicle, you will need to have your account number or a payment stub. In addition to bringing these items, you’ll want to make sure to clean out your car. Pay special attention to the areas under the seats, over the visors, in the cd player, in the glovebox and in every corner of the trunk.

You’ll be glad you took the time to prepare before heading off to the dealership. Spieler’s Inc. is here to help make your car buying experience a success! Our dedicated sales staff and factory trained technicians are here to make buying a new car in Missouri a fun, easy, and hassle free experience. Stop by our Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep Dealership in California, MO today!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Monday, November 6, 2017

Top Trends in Car Features

When it comes to purchasing a new vehicle, there are many things to keep in mind and it can become overwhelming. Choosing the right size car, SUV or truck to fit your needs, along with figuring out what latest features and innovations you want, can be a challenge. Your best car dealership near Jefferson City, Missouri is here to highlight some of the top trends to help make your car buying process easier and hassle free. Here are some of the top trends in car features that you should consider when searching for your next vehicle.


With all the advancements in technology, it only makes sense that our cars are also getting smarter. These new innovations make cars more than just vehicles to get from point A to point B. They have become mobile offices and mini escapes for some people. Here are some of the top technology features:

• Bluetooth – with all the cell phone and hands-free laws in effect, having Bluetooth is becoming a must. This allows you to make and answer calls while driving, without having to use your phone or become distracted. Bluetooth isn’t just for calls. If your phone is paired properly to your car, you can stream music without having to use an AUX or USB cord.

• Navigation System – this feature is starting to become standard in new cars, SUVs and trucks. Having an onboard navigation system keeps you off your phone while driving. Navigation also gives you traffic updates, alternate routes and arrival times.

• Voice Command – this keeps your eyes on the road and the distractions to a minimum. With voice command, you can easily change a song or the radio station, make a call, write down a note, or enter your destination into the onboard navigation system.

Helpful hint: Our 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 SUV comes standard with many of these excellent features. Stop in and see us, to learn more about all the great vehicle options we have for you.


Safety features on a new car should be considered carefully. With all the modern technology comes new and improved safety features. While some safety features you can pass up, here are some key features to look at:

• Keyless entry – this allows you to unlock your car door in an instant if your key fob is on you or in your purse or bag. This means you no longer have to fumble or search for your car keys while standing at your driver door. Once inside your car, the engine starts with the press of a button.

• Forward Collision Warning – this system alerts you visually or with audible signals of a potential crash and gives you time to react accordingly.  While driving we may not be aware of everything that is happening around us. With FCW, your car is aware of the surrounding conditions and can alert you if needed.

• Back up camera – having a backup camera is like having eyes in the back of your head. It allows you to see everything that is behind or to the side of your car. This helps to reduce the risk of reversing into something you might not have seen. It is also a great tool for parking – whether you are backing into a parking space or are parallel parking. Having a backup camera can help give you peace of mind.

Helpful Hint: These advanced safety features come standard in our 2017 Dodge Charger SXT Sedan. Come see us for a test drive!


For some car buyers, the style of your car can mean more than any safety or technology feature. Here are some top interior and exterior styles that consumers are loving:

• LED lights – make a bold statement to any car. LED headlights are more efficient and they provide better lighting over the standard yellow tone headlight.

• Black top roofs – also called two-tone black roofs are one of the newer trends that have popped up. These roofs provide a seamless look, creates a unique profile, and adds a premium touch.

• Ventilated seats – maintains your comfort as the driver or passenger. Having the ability to cool your seat on a scorching summer day or to turn the seat heater on in the winter can make all the difference in your commute.

Helpful Hint: Our 2017 Dodge Challenger captures many of these on-trend style elements. Come in today to see for yourself. We can help you find the best car that suits your needs!

With all of the new features that are offered and the new trends that are always popping up, it’s helpful to know which features you should consider and which ones to pass up. As the buyer, it comes down to your needs and your wants. At Spieler’s Inc. we are here to help you find exactly what you are looking for. The next time you’re looking to buy a new vehicle for sale in Central Missouri, let us help make your car buying experience easy and hassle free.

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Benefits of Purchasing a New Vehicle

There are many benefits to purchasing a new vehicle. The new car smell, the new warranty, the new possibilities for adventure. At Spieler’s Inc., you’ll find a professional service department, financial assistance, and a wide range of Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, and Jeep vehicles at our California, Missouri dealership.

Warranty & Financing

The best thing about buying a new car is the untouched warranty that comes with it from the manufacturer. This means that if something goes wrong with your new vehicle, you can get it replaced at no cost.
Also, if you need to finance the purchase, you can get the lowest interest rates on new cars because the vehicles have not been depreciated yet.

New & Unused

You will have peace of mind from knowing there aren’t any defects from a previous owner of a used car. New cars have no wear or tear and have only a handful of miles from barely being driven around dealership lot.

Safe & Dependable

As vehicle safety laws become even more advanced, manufacturers are equipping cars with the newest crash safety systems, tire and blind-spot monitoring, brake assistance, and more protective airbags.  The newest line of vehicles at Spieler’s Inc. are hand selected for top safety.
New vehicles are much more dependable and require less maintenance than used vehicles. The new Ram series super heavy-duty trucks are known for their robust reliability and comfortability.

Proficiently Efficient

Newer vehicles have an aerodynamic, lightweight design which makes them more fuel-efficient than ever. They are now more powerful and have a higher MPG without the added weight. Typically, new vehicles are more environmentally friendly, have a better fuel economy, and will save you money over time. If you are an adventure seeker, blaze new trails in the latest Jeep models. The Jeep’s ability to adapt to extreme terrain when off-roading, haul heavy-duty materials, and sophisticated comfort are a must have.

Custom Made to Order

Our friendly expert staff at Spieler’s Inc., conveniently located in mid-Missouri, can help you customize any vehicle we have to offer to fit your exterior and interior styling preferences.
We serve the Lake of the Ozarks, Jefferson City, Columbia, and central-Missouri area. Come see our new Dodge, Ram, Chrysler, and Jeep models in person at Spieler’s Inc. at 1109 W. Buchanan St., California Missouri or visit our website at

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Clear Benefits of Washing Your Car

Do you dread washing your car? Maybe you feel like it always rains and ruins your shiny paint after a good wash. You are not alone in these feelings, but there are still plenty of benefits of taking car of your car's exterior with regular washes. Our California, MO car dealership knows how important it is to keep your ride in tip-top shape for the best possible value when it comes time to trade in or sell. Regular car care should be a part of your weekly tasks to ensure your ride's paint is clean and well-protected. Take a look below to see some of the benefits of regular car washes, that you may not think of.

Protect the Clear Coat

A clear coat helps to seal in your paint and keep it protected. It's important to keep this clear coat from wearing down faster than normal with regular washes. Weather, driving conditions, temperature fluctuation, and many other factors can impact your clear coat. Try to make efforts to keep this protective layer in top condition by washing your vehicle.

Reduce Chance of Scratches

Dirt can build up on your vehicle very quickly, even if it is not visible. These dirt particles can scratch your clear coat, which may lead to a deeper blemish in your ride's paint. In addition to dirt, leaves, acorns, and ice can all cause scratches to your vehicle. Try to keep your paint clean to reduce the amount of small scratches in your paint's surface.

Clear View When Driving

It may seem like an obvious benefit, but it is definitely an important one for safety. A clean car is much easier to see out of, when navigating the roadways. Make efforts to keep all windows clear of dirt and debris for a safe driving experience for everyone. Mud or dirt on your back window may seem unimportant, but it actually is vital when looking in your rear-view mirror.

Stand Out on the Roadway

Your vehicle may be easier for other drivers to see if it is clean and shiny. As the sun glistens off your paint, it's easier for others to spot as you travel down the road. Try not to blend in with the background by keeping your ride shiny!

Improve Your Confidence

A vehicle is a major investment and you should take pride in that accomplishment. Keeping your ride clean can help give you that extra confidence boost you need. Catch the eye of others on the roadway and let onlookers admire your sparkling ride in the parking lot. It can do wonders for your confidence!

Now that you know a little more about the benefits of a clean car, you're ready to make efforts for regular washes. As your trusted car dealership near Jefferson City, MO, we know how good it feels to drive around in a freshly cleaned car and we want you to have that same feeling too! If you're getting tired of cleaning the same vehicle over and over, it may be time for an upgrade. Visit our car lot in California, Missouri to see our current selection of new and pre-owned vehicles available. You never know.... you may find your new favorite ride to drive and keep clean!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tips for a Safe Halloween

With the festive holiday quickly approaching, it's time to remember safety tips for Halloween. As your trusted car dealership near Jefferson City, MO, we know how important it is to bring your family out for a fun night of trick-or-treating. As exciting as it is to get dressed up and stock up on candy, the holiday presents a number of dangers for pedestrians and drivers alike. Spieler's Inc. has provided some safety tips for your upcoming trick-or-treating excursions.


1) Create costumes that are easy to see, especially at night.
2) Give your kids glow-sticks or flashlights to be easily seen.
3) Look both ways before crossing a road.
4) Stick to the sidewalks when trick-or-treating through a neighborhood.
5) Make sure children are supervised by a responsible adult.
6) Use cross walks or traffic lights to safely cross the road, when available.
7) Keep your eyes peeled for cars that are backing up or turning, they may not be able to see you.
8) Don't walk around distracted by your phone or other device.
9) Make sure kids can see clearly with their costume on.
10) Wait for a driver to wave you across, before crossing the road in front of a vehicle.


1) Slow down, especially in event parking lots and through neighborhoods.
2) Ensure your headlights are on, even when the sun in still out for easier visibility.
3) Watch for kids darting out into the roadway.
4) Use caution when backing out of your driveway or parking spot - there may be children in your blind spot.
5) Take your time when turning onto a road.
6) Keep an eye on the side of the road for pedestrians, even if there are sidewalks available.
7) Look both ways for trick-or-treaters when crossing an intersection.
8) Always designate a driver if you are partaking in an adult Halloween party.
9) Plan ahead for heavy foot traffic and leave with plenty of time.
10) Avoid speeding which leads to a slower stop time, especially on Halloween night.

Whether you're heading to a truck-or-treat gathering or sticking to your own neighborhood this Halloween, don't forget these safety tips. When preparing for your holiday events, remember to discuss safety with anyone driving or walking around this Halloween. From your California, MO car dealership - we wish you and yours a happy and SAFE Halloween!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Featured Jeeps this Fall

Jeeps are a fun vehicle to own all year round, but fall may arguably be the best time of year to buy one. With the 4X4 capabilities, you can find yourself going on a number of adventures with your new ride. Also, winter weather is just around the corner and a Jeep can help you get around on snow-covered roads. Since it's a great time to buy a Jeep in mid-MO, we've dedicated this week's blog to our featured Jeeps.

2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport

This 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport has comfort and convenience readily available. No matter the driving circumstances, this ride ensures composure. Amenities include a key less entry, split folding rear seat, and comfortable bucket front seats. A 6 cylinder engine with more than 270 horsepower can be found under the hood. Added security, dynamic stability control supplements the drive train. Start exploring in this adventurous four wheel drive!

2017 Jeep New Compass Latitude

The latest in technology and style can be found in this sharp 2017 Jeep New Compass Latitude. Comfortably seating five passengers, you and your family or friends can get out and explore! Rear wipers, auto dimming rear view mirror, and key less entry are just a few of the amenities that are showcased in this sweet ride. Under the hood, a four cylinder engine boasts more than 170 horsepower. Dynamic stability control nicely supplements the drive train for a comfortable ride for all. Four wheel drive helps this ride maneuver in the most treacherous conditions.

2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4

This 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 offers style and comfort for all. Voice activated navigation, power lift gate, and power moon roof are all amenities for driver and passenger to enjoy. This ride features a smooth shifting automatic transmission while the four wheel drive offers easy navigation through rough terrain.

Now that you've gotten a glimpse of a few of our featured Jeeps, you're ready to come check out the rests of our selection. One of our sales members would be pleased to assist you in finding the perfect vehicle to buy at our California, MO car dealership. We look forward to helping you find your dream ride at Spieler's Incorporated.

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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