Distracted driving is the cause of many accidents on the roadways. Driving a vehicle is a major responsibility, and Spieler's Inc has a few bad driving habits that should be avoided. You are not only in control of your life and others in your vehicle, you have an impact on all other drivers on the roadways. It's important to take this great responsibility to heart. When driving, you should give the task at hand 100% of your attention. There are many habits that can cause you to be distracted while driving. Take a look below to learn about the top bad driving habits everyone should break.
Traveling Above the Speed Limit
A common bad habit for many drivers is speeding. Speed limits are set for the purpose of keeping drivers safe. Usually speeding will not get a driver to their destination that much quicker. Take your time when driving and leave in plenty of time to avoid going over the speed limit when traveling on the road.Failure to Use Turn Signal
Many drivers do not use a turn signal when turning or changing lanes. This helps show other drivers on the road which direction you plan to turn or merge. If you do not use a turn signal, another driver may not be aware of where you plan to move your vehicle.Following Too Close
A good rule of thumb is to allow 1 car length for every 10mph you are traveling. For example, if you are going 60mph, you want to have 6 car lengths of space between your car and the car in front’s bumper. Allowing adequate room between vehicles gives enough time to react if the car in front were to break suddenly.Taking Your Eyes Off the Road

Speed Up Through Yellow Light
When a light turns yellow, many drivers will accelerate through the intersection to avoid stopping at the soon approaching red light. When a driver speeds through, the light may have already turned red which triggers the alternating lights to turn green. This can lead to an unnecessary wreck in an intersection.Not Wearing Seatbelt
Wearing a seatbelt while driving or riding in a vehicle is not only the law but a huge safety precaution. Unfortunately, wrecks do happen and having a seatbelt on helps to keep the individual in their seat. Keeping your safety device buckled while the car is in motion can improve your chances of surviving if a crash does occur.Best Dealership In Mid-Missouri
More and more vehicles are on the roadways in the spring and summer months. From family vacations to friend getaways, more people travel this time of year. Now that you've learned some of these bad driving habits, you can make an effort to help make the roadway a safer place for you and other drivers. If you are planning a road trip of your own, be sure to stop by our California, MO car dealership before you hit the road. Here at Spieler's Inc., we can check over your ride to make sure it is ready for your adventure.
Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas
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