Thursday, December 15, 2016

11 Gift Ideas for Car Lovers

With Christmas quickly approaching, it is time to really crack down on that holiday shopping list! Your trusted car dealer in mid-Missouri has a few ideas that you can give to those car enthusiasts in your life. From useful items for their vehicle to car memorabilia, there are a number of options to make any car lover on your list happy. Provided below, by Spieler’s Incorporated, are a few gifts any car guy or gal will appreciate this Christmas.

1. Car Care Kit

A car enthusiast typically enjoys keeping their prized possession in tip top shape. A car wash or care kit is a practical gift for the car lover on your list. They can wash, wax, and shine up their ride with your present this year!

2. Vehicle Organizer

Organization can be key for a busy parent or someone who spends a large portion of time in their vehicle. An over the seat organizer can help keep knick-knacks and other items stored safely. For those vehicle owners with a trunk, give the gift of order with a trunk organizer to keep their items together and to help eliminate them rolling around back there.

3. Floor Mats

To help protect the flooring in your loved one’s vehicle, get new floor mats for the winter. From snow and salt to muddy days, a tray style floor mat can help keep dirt and grime off the carpeted floor.

4. Remote Start

If you have a friend or family member who parks outside, a remote start can be added to their vehicle for a convenient gift they will be thankful for over and over! A remote start can start the ride, allowing it to warm up in the winter or cool down in the summer, before entering the car.

5. Hands Free Device

Show you care by giving a phone holder this Christmas, for hands free talking. There are a number of styles to this gift, in which you can find the perfect one for your recipient who is always on the go.

6. GPS

For the person who is always getting lost, save on that phone data and give a GPS this holiday season. With a number of model options, you can chose from a wide range of prices and features for your gift.

7. Car Memorabilia

No matter what the car lover in your life is passionate about, there are a number of memorabilia options to give. From car tee shirts to wall hangings, you can find something they will love this holiday season.

8. Gap Filler

Have you experienced the frustration of dropping something between the car seats? A gap filler does just that, it fills the space between two seats or a seat and the console to help eliminate that panic moment when something slips between the crack.  

9. Vehicle Cover

Another gift idea that is perfect for the person who parks their vehicle outside! Give the gift of a car cover to help protect the investment they care so much about.

10. Truck Accessories

From nerf bar steps to a truck bed cover, there are a number of options to give the truck owner in your life. Whether it is practical or simply a visually appealing feature, the truck driver you know will be pleased to accessorize their vehicle this holiday season.

11. New Vehicle

For that special someone in your life who is in need of a new ride, the sales team at the expert car dealership in California, MO would be pleased to help you! We can talk about the wants and needs of your recipient and help you find the right vehicle for him or her this holiday season. 

With all of these great car inspired gift ideas, you are ready to make your selections for the upcoming holidays! The best car dealer near Jefferson City, Missouri is here to help make your present search a little easier. When you choose one of the above gifts, your recipient will be pleased to get a car inspired gift! Show the ones you care about how well you know them, by giving the gift of vehicle accessories or car care items. Here at Spieler’s Inc., we wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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California, MO 65018
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