Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Safety Tips for Trick-Or-Treating

As many children around the area take to the streets and trick-or-treat events, the risk of being injured by a vehicle increases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that children are four times more likely to be struck by a motor vehicle on Halloween, than any other time of the year. Here at Spieler’s Inc., we want to help keep all kids and drivers safe this Halloween. As the holiday quickly approaches, keep in mind these safety tips, provided below by the best car dealer in California, MO.

For Motorists:

Be extra alert on Halloween evening as many youngsters take to the streets for trick-or-treating festivities. Although you should never use your mobile device while driving, put that phone down as you drive around this holiday full of kids running around neighborhoods and parking lots. Keep your eyes peeled for children darting out into the street. They are so excited to get to the next house that they may forget the rules of the road and run out into the road in front of a vehicle. As the sidewalks fill up with trick-or-treaters, double check before your pull into driveways or alleys. To increase visibility of your vehicle, turn on your lights, even if it is still light outside. With the increasing popularity of truck-or-treat and parking lot trick-or-treat events, be aware as you navigate busy parking lots this Halloween.

For Pedestrians:

It is recommended for parents to go out with their kids as they go door to door, to help keep an eye on them and make sure they use caution as they cross traffic. If you send your kids out on their own to trick-or-treat around the neighborhood, ensure your children have a refresher course of how to cross the road safely. Cross at corners, look and listen both directions, and travel across a road with a group of people are all smart ways to cross the road. Incorporate a flash light, glow stick, or reflective material into the costume of your children, to increase their visibility to motorists on the road. Also encourage your children to stick to traveling on sidewalks, instead of crossing a busy road. Remind your kids to stay in a group as they trick-or-treat this weekend.

Stay Safe This Halloween 

Many children are excited at the opportunity for more candy at every stop, they may forget the basic rules of crossing the street. It is up to motorists on the roads this Halloween to help keep neighborhoods safe for kids as they go door-to-door collecting Halloween treats. Your trusted car dealer in Mid-MO is here to help you remember some key safety tips as the holiday approaches. Spieler’s Incorporated wishes you and yours a happy and safe Halloween weekend!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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