Thursday, July 28, 2016

7 Bad Driving Habits To Break

Last year there were about 50,000 people injured in vehicle collisions in Missouri. This number can be reduced by practicing safe driving habits. Many drivers fall victim to bad driving habits that develop over time. Your trusted car dealer in Mid-MO is here to point out some of those bad habits that drivers should break. Spieler’s Inc. cares about your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Phone Usage

Distracted driving is the cause of many accidents. Looking at your phone instead of focusing on the road is a dangerous distraction. Even if you are watching the road while on a phone call, you still may be more focused on your conversation than driving.


A common bad habit for many drivers is speeding. Speed limits are set for the purpose of keeping drivers safe. Usually speeding will not get a driver to their destination that much quicker. Take your time when driving and leave in plenty of time to avoid going over the speed limit when traveling on the road.

Following Too Close

A good rule of thumb is to allow 1 car length for every 10mph you are traveling. For example, if you are going 60mph, you want to have 6 car lengths of space between your car and the car in front’s bumper. Allowing adequate room between vehicles gives enough time to react if the car in front were to break suddenly.

Lack of Turn Signal Use

Many drivers do not use a turn signal when turning or changing lanes. This helps show other drivers on the road which direction you plan to turn or merge. If you do not use a turn signal, another driver may not be aware of where you plan to move your vehicle.

Not Checking Blind Spot

Blind spots are a common issue for most drivers. Some will check their mirror and make a move on the road according to what their mirror shows. Physically turning to check the blind spot of your vehicle can help reveal the actual situation on the road around you.

Speed Up Through Yellow Light

When a light turns yellow, many drivers will accelerate through the intersection to avoid stopping at the soon approaching red light. When a driver speeds through, the light may have already turned red which triggers the alternating lights to turn green. This can lead to an unnecessary wreck in an intersection.

Not Wearing Safety Restraint

Wearing a seatbelt while driving or riding in a vehicle is not only the law, but a huge safety precaution. Unfortunately wrecks do happen and having a seatbelt on helps to keep the individual in their seat. Keeping your safety device buckled while the car is in motion can improve your chances for surviving if a crash does occur.

Many people are injured due to vehicle collisions each year. Practicing safe driving habits can help eliminate some of these injuries. Driving is a very important responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Driving safely can help make the roadways a better place for everyone to travel. The best car dealer in Mid-MO is here to help you by providing information and tips on vehicles, driving and more!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Friday, July 22, 2016

9 Fun Road Trip Games

What are you going to do to keep the kids busy on your upcoming road trip? Taking a trip with the family should be a fun time spent together, making memories to last a lifetime.  Sometimes the children (and adults!) need a little entertainment when making a long trek down the highway. Put those digital devices away because your trusted car dealer in Mid-MO is here to share some fun road trip activities the entire family can enjoy.

1. The License Plate Game

As you drive down the road, everyone in the car looks for license plates from different states. The goal is to spot vehicles from all 50 states, although Alaska and Hawaii are rare finds!

2. Tic-Tac-Toe

This classic game will keep 2 members of your road trip entertained for a while. Two players are assigned an X or an O; the two alternate placing their symbol, and then the player with 3 in a row wins. Make a tournament with all passengers or play best of 5 to extend the game.

3. 20 Questions

In the popular road trip game, 20 Questions, the first player mentally chooses an answer; then all participants try to narrow down the answer by asking questions. If the carload gets to the twentieth question without figuring out the answer, the answer is revealed.

4. I Spy

Most people are familiar with I Spy. This is a fun way to get everyone on your road trip involved. The first player starts off with, “I spy with my little eye, something (color/shape)”. The person who spots the correct item wins and is now the one who chooses an object.

5. Hangman

Passengers can play hangman on paper or a small white board. The “Wheel of Fortune” based game gives players a chance to guess the letters that make up the phrase. This is a fun way to test knowledge and pass the time.

6. The Alphabet Game

Similar to I Spy, The Alphabet Game can be played by anyone in the car. Players look for any object outside the vehicle that has letters. The trick to the game is to go in order through the alphabet as you pass signs, buildings, or any object with words. Be warned, this game can be pretty dry if there are few signs along the road you travel.

7. Spot The Car

Another fun twist to I Spy, a player starts the game by selecting a car make and model and everyone tries to spot that type of vehicle. The first person to spot the right car gets to pick the next type to find.

8. The Singing Game

If your group is into music, this is the game for you! When a song comes on and everyone is singing along, randomly mute the radio. The last person still accurately singing the lyrics is the winner.

9. I’m Going on a Picnic

Memory games are a great way to spend time on a road trip. The first participant starts with, “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing….(something that starts with an A). The next person will start the phrase over and add an item that starts with the better B. The goal is to continue through the entire alphabet. The player who is stumped when remembering the full list of items to bring on a picnic loses.

Enjoy some of these games on your next road trip with the family. Before you head out, bring your vehicle by Spieler’s Inc. to get checked over to ensure everything is functioning properly. The best car dealer in Mid MO is here to help you make your road trip a success. With safety and entertainment checked off your list, you are ready to roll out on your next adventure with the family!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Manual vs Automatic Vehicles

Many people wonder which is better, a manual or an automatic shift. There are pros and cons to both transmission types. Your trusted car dealer in California, MO is here to help you distinguish which is best for you. Drivers usually gravitate to what they know and are comfortable driving.

Manual Transmission

Driving a stick shift, or manual, takes a little practice. You have to physically shift through the gears as the car accelerates. In order to shift, the driver needs to engage the clutch which is usually a separate pedal to the left of the break. The process of pushing in the clutch to shift into the next gear can be intimidating to some drivers who are not comfortable with this method. Once you master shifting, it should be a smooth transition from gear to gear.

-Cost of Purchase
Typically, manual transmission vehicles cost about a thousand dollars cheaper than their automatic counterparts. Not every vehicle is made in a stick shift option, so finding the right car for your needs that is a manual may be challenging.

-Maintenance Cost
The cost associated with maintaining a stick shift vehicle is usually less than an automatic. There are less parts to deal with in the shifting mechanism, which makes working on them a little easier. Transmission fluid does need to be replaced periodically to ensure the moving parts are lubricated, but does not need to be done as often as with automatic transmissions.

-Fuel Economy
Manual shift vehicles typically get 2-5 mpg better on fuel usage than automatics. This can save a significant amount of money at the gas pump over the lifespan of the car.

Automatic Transmission

Many people believe that operating an automatic transmission vehicle is much easier than a manual. The shifting of gears process still takes place, but it is done by a mechanical feature internally. No extra steps need to be taken by the driver. The convenience factor makes a big impact when people are selecting an automatic over a manual. For those that are used to driving a manual, a big difference when driving an automatic is that you have to hold the break down when at a stop.

-Cost of Purchase
An automatic car usually costs a little more than a stick shift, as stated earlier. Many people justify this because of the inconvenience of having to physically shift through the gears when driving.

-Maintenance Cost
Many mechanics would prefer to work on a manual shift, therefore the expense for repairs on an automatic are higher. There is an additional internal feature that actually does the shifting for the driver. This is another part of the vehicle that can break down when it comes to repairs.

-Fuel Economy
Automatic vehicles traditionally get worse fuel economy than manuals. Since fuel economy is such an important buying factor in the car industry right now, many automakers have worked on improving the fuel economy of automatic transmissions.

The debate between automatic and manual shift is an ongoing one. When choosing between the two transmission types, it really comes down to personal preference. If you are used to a certain shifting method, that is usually what you will gravitate toward. The best car dealer in Mid-Mo can help you determine which transmission option is the best for you and your needs. When you are in the market for a new vehicle, visit the expert team at Spieler’s Incorporated.

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

5 Car Shopping Tips

Purchasing a vehicle is an important decision. For many people, this purchase is typically the second largest investment you’ll make. Your trusted car dealer in Mid MO is here to help you find the perfect vehicle with some car shopping tips. We pride ourselves on making the search for a vehicle fun and easy. Our low pressure sales team will consider your wants and needs to find the perfect fit for you. Spieler’s Inc. is here to make your car shopping and buying experience hassle free.

1. Know Your Wants and Needs

Determining your wants and needs in a vehicle can really help narrow down your search. Whether you are looking for a family-friendly SUV or a new sporty ride, having a purpose in mind will help prevent being overwhelmed when walking on to the car lot. If your current vehicle has features you like and dislike, keep these in mind when looking for a new ride. It is a good idea to make a list of your likes and dislikes so they do not slip your mind once you find a car you like.

2. Determine a Budget

Your budget is another factor that will help you refine your car shopping experience. If you know a car is out of your price range, you should not consider it. Sticking to this method can help ensure you do not fall in love with a vehicle you simply cannot afford. Keep your budget in mind when looking for different options at our dealership.

3. Look Online

Before heading to our dealership, you can see the current selection on our website. This helps to give a shopper an idea of what vehicles are currently in stock. Checking out a few different options that interest you online can help when it comes to physically visiting our dealership. You will hopefully have a few rides in mind that you want to take a look at and this helps us get an idea of what types of cars you are looking for. At this point, we can make suggestions to similar vehicles if you want to see more options.

4. Book an Appointment

We want to make your car shopping experience pleasant. By booking an appointment, we will have a sales member ready to assist you when you arrive. If you mention some of the vehicles you are interested in looking at when you set up the appointment, we can have them ready for you to test drive.

5. Take a Test Drive

Take your time when you are conducting a test drive. There is no reason to feel rushed. This is an important step in the car buying process. It is your time to look over the vehicle and assess how it feels to you. Make sure and check out all the features the car offers during the test drive. Remember the list of things you made that you like and do not like about your current vehicle? This is a great time to pull that out and verify that this ride has exactly what you are looking for in a vehicle.

Shopping for a new or used vehicle should be a pleasant experience. Following the 5 step process provided above will help make car shopping with Spieler’s Inca success. Just remember to take your time and evaluate what you are looking for in a vehicle. We pride ourselves on being a low pressure dealership. Call us today to set up your appointment for a test drive!

Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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