1. Snacks are a Must Have - for Kids and Adults Alike
It's never fun being hungry. Packing snacks is a road trip staple, but where do you put them? There are several ways you can condense several smaller snacks for kids, including using a small organizer to separate different snacks and provide some variety. If your kids are older, consider using a shoe rack filled with small Tupperware containers of snacks attached to the back of the driver and passenger seats.
2. Entertainment Doesn't Have to Come from Electronics
While nearly everyone has a cell phone these days, road trips are supposed to be about bringing everyone closer! There are games like "I Spy" that you can play with the immediate surroundings, or the license plate game, where you get a point for every license plate not from the state you are currently in. Bonus points for far away plates! The idea behind these games is to initiate conversations and enhance the otherwise duller aspects of being in an enclosed space for a long period of time.
3. Music Makes the Trip More Fun
Quiet, unmoving, and long car rides can really take a toll on the mood in the vehicle. Lighten it up with a fun playlist full of road trip music. Fill it with songs everyone can sing, or songs only dad can belt out - to everyone's entertainment!
Adults can go a long time in a vehicle before needing to stop for rest and recovery. Young children are unpredictable - they require much more attention and their bodies simply can't handle long trips with no breaks. Plan to stop more often if traveling with children and make it fun! Get the kids out to stretch, walk a lap around a gas station, invigorate the mood and shake things up. Being cooped up in a vehicle can make young kids cranky.
This may seem a counterpoint to #4, but if you make a rigid plan, you may miss some awesome opportunities while on the trip. Did you see that billboard advertising the world's largest rocking chair? Go visit it! Combine it with one of your rest stops and you've not only rejuvenated the family, but you've added a memory that no one is likely to forget. The idea is to travel where the road takes you and still wind up at your final destination.
At the best car dealership near Jefferson City, we love road trips for their ability to draw family and friends together. There's arguably no better way to enjoy a road trip than with picking out a vehicle at the best Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep dealership in Missouri. Come in and test drive your next family vacation vehicle today!
4. Plan for Rest Stops and Small Breaks
Adults can go a long time in a vehicle before needing to stop for rest and recovery. Young children are unpredictable - they require much more attention and their bodies simply can't handle long trips with no breaks. Plan to stop more often if traveling with children and make it fun! Get the kids out to stretch, walk a lap around a gas station, invigorate the mood and shake things up. Being cooped up in a vehicle can make young kids cranky.
5. Don't Plan Every Stop
This may seem a counterpoint to #4, but if you make a rigid plan, you may miss some awesome opportunities while on the trip. Did you see that billboard advertising the world's largest rocking chair? Go visit it! Combine it with one of your rest stops and you've not only rejuvenated the family, but you've added a memory that no one is likely to forget. The idea is to travel where the road takes you and still wind up at your final destination.
Spielers Inc. Loves Helping Your Family Get on the Road
At the best car dealership near Jefferson City, we love road trips for their ability to draw family and friends together. There's arguably no better way to enjoy a road trip than with picking out a vehicle at the best Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep dealership in Missouri. Come in and test drive your next family vacation vehicle today!
Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas
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