Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fall Maintenance and You

Fall is a time of transmissions, I mean transitions. The weather is transitioning, trees are changing color, animals are preparing for winter, even the boats are winterizing. Shouldn't you help your car transition as well? Here at the best car dealership near Jefferson City, we want to help get your vehicle ready for the coming winter. That means getting your vehicle in to see some of the best mechanics in the Jefferson City area. There are several key points to focus on when you bring your vehicle in for service.

All Four Tires

Quality tires are a must-have for driving in the coming months. Fall rain, and winter freezes cause the roadways to deteriorate and become slick. An easy way to check if you need new tires is to stick a penny in the tread, if you can see the top of Abe Lincoln's head, it's time for new tires! A tire with poor tread simply cannot handle the road way like a new set of tires can. It's incredibly dangerous to drive on balding tires, and even more so when the roads have patches of black ice hidden. Bring your vehicle in and we'll eliminate this concern for you.

Wipers, Coolant, and Oil

As the weather begins to cool off and ice starts to form, the windshield wipers take a heavy beating. They scrap all of the ice and muck off your windshield and this wears them down quickly - a new set before the winter season will ensure that your car has optimum visibility. On a similar note, the engine coolant may need replaced as well. If your vehicle is running on water for coolant, or anything less than a 50/50 blend of coolant and water, then it's time to replace it. A frozen coolant line is disastrous, both in price and on the life of the vehicle, and it's an easy-to-prevent problem. Finally, make sure you get that oil change done before the dead of winter hits! If there were any issues in the engine from the oil, then the problems can be fixed or remedied before the cold sets in.

The Battery

It often goes unnoticed, that is, until it quits working. If your vehicle is pushing 4 years old or more, and you haven't changed your battery, it may be time to get it tested. The colder the weather gets, the more power your battery needs to push into the system to start your vehicle. An older battery may simply be at the end of it's life cycle and no longer capable of generating this much power. It's much safer to simply get it checked/fixed now when the weather is perfect, than wait until the mile of winter for it to die and leave you stranded in the cold!

The Heater/Defroster

I'ts been a long time since you needed to use the heater or the defroster. A quick check now will determine if you need to get any repairs done. Again, this is the best time for it, as the estimated first frost of the year is coming in a matter of weeks! Better safe than sorry when it comes to visibility and heat in your vehicle.  

We Can Help You Transition

With the best service center in the Jefferson City area, we can assist you with all the vehicle transitions a car or truck could need! From new tires, to checking the wipers and oil, Spieler's Incorporated is here to make sure that your vehicles are safe for driving, no matter the season. Come see why we're the best dealership in mid-Missouri!

Proudly serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO areas

1109 W. Buchanan St.
California, MO 65018
(888) 455-2107

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