Safety First
Did you know 3 out of 4 car seats are not installed properly? Before your take off, ensure your kids are safe and comfortable. Whether your little ones are in car seats or older, it's important that they are securely fastened in their seats. Try to keep your children comfortable too. They may tend to be less restless if they can comfortably ride in the vehicle.
Provide Entertainment
Another important tip is to have entertainment for your children handy. From DVD players stocked with their favorite movies to hands on activities, keep a wide variety of entertainment options available for your next road trip. If you run out of ideas, you can always try to play the license plate game or alphabet game, as you drive to your destination.
Keep Snacks Handy
Just like at home, your kids may tend to need a snack every few hours. Be sure to pack plenty of their favorites for your next road trip. From crackers to dried fruit, there are a number of easily portable snacks available. Along with snacks, make sure you have enough water for your trip, as well.
Allow Time For Stops
When you plan out your route, be sure to plan adequate time for plenty of stops. From bathroom breaks to stretching your legs, it's important to stop on a regular basis and let your kids get a little exercise. Many road side parks have a nice walking path, jungle gyms, and restrooms, ideal for your next road trip.
Strategically Pack
When packing your car, try to keep the comfort of your passengers in mind. If space allows, keep all unnecessary bags in the truck or back of the vehicle. Also try to distribute the weight of your luggage and passengers evenly. This can help promote a smoother ride for all.
Ready to hit the road now? If you and your family plan to head out of town this holiday weekend, ensure your vehicle and family is prepared. From packing snacks for the kids to planning time for frequent stops, it's important to be ready for your next road trip. Your trusted car dealer in California, MO is here to ensure your vehicle is ready to roll this weekend. Give us a call to schedule your service before your next road trip!
Proudly Serving the Columbia,
Jefferson City, and California, MO Areas